

每个人都有不同的备考方法。. The following are just suggestions to improve your study skills.

  • 估计时间. 确定你要在这篇文章上花多少时间. If you have one hour to take three essays, allow yourself 只有 20 minutes per essay. 注意你的时间.
  • 仔细阅读说明. Pay close attention to whether you are to answer the entire essay questions or 只有 a specified amount (i.e.“回答4个问题中的2个”).
  • 密切关注关键的说明词. Read the question carefully looking for key words that request a specific "take" on the answer. 这些词包括“分析”,”“列表,”“描述,”“解释,”“确定,”“解释,”“比较,“和”的对比."
  • 写大纲. Before writing the essay make an outline to organize your thoughts. Write your ideas in the margin of your test or on a separate sheet of paper. 提纲可以帮助你在写作时集中注意力.
  • 编写易读地. 评分员必须能够阅读文章才能评分. 写出完整的句子和段落.
  • 校对. 如果时间允许,对你的工作进行校对. 你说了你的意图吗? 纠正语法和拼写错误.


每个人都有不同的备考方法。. The following are just suggestions to improve your study skills.

  • 每天做家庭作业吗. 大多数数学科目都是相互依存的, 如果你在课堂上没有学到最初的概念, 你会很难理解新的. Doing the homework assignments is also very good practice for the test.
  • Write down all hard to remember formulas, equations, rules as soon as you get the test. When you get to a problem that requires a formula, you will 不 have forgotten it.
  • 仔细阅读说明. 确保你回答了问题的所有部分.
  • 展示所有工作. 可以获得部分学分. 写得尽可能清晰.
  • 跳过困难的问题. If you come to a hard problem, skip it and come back to it later if time permits.
  • 再检查问题. 完成测试后,如果有时间,请重新检查问题. 一个错误的符号可能会改变答案.
  • 编写易读地. The grader can 不 give partial credit if he or she is unable to read the steps you used to find the answer.


每个人都有不同的备考方法。. The following are just suggestions to improve your study skills.

  • 按顺序回答所有问题. 不要拐弯抹角. 你可能会忘记回头回答他们. Identify doubtful answers by marking in the margin and review these if time permits after all questions have been answered. 不要在任何一个问题上停留太久.
  • 仔细阅读问题. Watch for qualifying words that can change the meaning of the question. 如果能帮助你理解问题,就把它们圈起来
  • 这样的词 总是, 从来没有, 完全, 只有 是绝对的. 这些术语将概念定义为对或错.
  • 注意下面这些词 , 至少, 除了. It is easy to forget that you are supposed to select the negative response.
  • 预测答案. 在看可能的选择之前先回答问题.
  • 消除答案. If you are 不 sure of the answer, eliminate choices you know are 不 right.
  • 选择你的第一选择. 如果你对你的答案有犹豫, 相信你的第一直觉, 除非你绝对确定你错了.
  • 不要寻找一种模式的答案. 他们通常不会.
  • 不要让答案空着. If there is no guessing penalty, 总是 take an educated guess and select an answer.
  • 做完试卷后再检查一遍. Look back at questions you marked questionable; something in the test might have helped you remember the correct answer.


每个人都有不同的备考方法。. The following are just suggestions to improve your study skills.

  • 每天复习笔记. Review your class 不es while they are still fresh in your mind.
  • 管理你的时间. 确保你有足够的时间学习. 不要试着开夜车. 至少提前一周开始学习. 每天学一点.
  • 找一个舒适的地方学习. 确保光线充足,没有干扰.
  • 参加考试前的课程. Take careful 不es and ask any questions about any items you may 不 understand. 知道会发生什么.
  • Review - Go over your 不es, the textbook, other assigned readings.
  • 整理笔记. 突出重要的概念、信息和公式. 把这些重新写在一张纸上或一系列索引卡上.
  • 制作抽认卡. A good way to memorize terminology is to make flashcards using cheap index cards.
  • 理解材料. 了解材料. Don't just read through the material and try to memorize everything.
  • 组成学习小组. If you choose to study in a group, study 只有 with those who are serious about studying.
  • 找个家教. Contact the 学习中心 and Teaching for the availability of tutors in the subject. 不要等到考试前一天才寻求帮助.
  • 保证充足的睡眠. 考试前一晚一定要保证充足的睡眠.


  • 放松. If you have studied and are prepared, just relax, take a nice walk, or do a little exercise.
  • 考试前吃点东西. 不要在考试前不吃饭. 试着在考试前吃点零食. 不要吃油腻的食物,否则会让你昏昏欲睡. 多喝水.
  • 提前到达. 至少在考试开始前5到10分钟到达.
  • 带上所有需要的用品——准备好铅笔, 计算器, 字典, 或任何其他批准或要求的供应品.
  • 带块手表. When you get your test, look it over to plan your time for each part of the test. Remember to allow a few minutes at the end to look back over the test when you are finished.
  • 是积极的. Keep a positive attitude throughout the entire test and stay relaxed. If you feel overwhelmed, just take a few deep breaths and continue.
  • 把你的名字写在试卷上. Before you do anything to the test, make sure you put your name on the test and on the answer sheet.
  • 期待一些焦虑. 关心会帮助你在考试中做到最好.
  • Remember others may finish before you - Don't worry if others finish before you; just concentrate on the test in front of you. 你可以使用分配给你的全部时间.
  • 检查测试. Before turning the test in, double check that you have 不 left any questions unanswered. 确保你的名字出现在试卷上.


每个人都有不同的备考方法。. The following are just suggestions to improve your study skills.

  • 制作抽认卡. 写关键词, 日期, 在索引卡的一面有概念和定义, 事件, 卡片的另一面是解释.
  • 预测问题. Think of questions that might be on the test and practice answering them. 大多数教授会强调考试的内容.
  • Short answers - Read the questions carefully and make sure you provide everything that it asks.
  • 回答所有问题. If you are 不 sure of the complete answer, write what you do know. 有时教授会给部分学分.
  • 回答填空问题. 可能有各种各样的答案. However, the professor usually is looking for a specific answer related to the material studied.


每个人都有不同的备考方法。. The following are just suggestions to improve your study skills.

  • 期待一些焦虑. 关心会帮助你在考试中做到最好.
  • 积极思考. 用积极的想法取代所有消极的想法.
  • Improve ways you prepare for a test - Read 准备考试 on this site or check out the pamphlets on testing available in the 学习中心 and Teaching.
  • 寻求帮助. The 学习中心 and Teaching has tutors available for many of the basic subjects.
  • 学会放松. Do some muscle relaxation exercises the night before the test and in the morning. 运动可以缓解压力,使头脑敏捷.
  • Do 不 wait until the last minute to prepare for a test - Start studying from the first day. Review all 不es right after the lecture and every other day until the test.
  • 充分休息. 不要为了考试而熬夜死记硬背. 你的身体需要充足的休息才能正常工作.
  • 考试前要吃东西. 不要错过一顿饭. 考试前吃点零食. Fresh fruits and vegetables are comm只有 recommended to relieve stress. 避免压力食品,如加工食品, 人造甜味剂, 碳酸软饮料,巧克力, 鸡蛋, 油炸食品, 垃圾食品, 辛辣的食物. Avoid high sugar content (candy), which may aggravate your condition.
  • 穿舒适的衣服. 多穿几层衣服以适应测试室内的温度. 穿宽松的衣服.
  • 提前到达. 避免在考试当天布置太多的任务. 只专注于放松.
  • 避免消极的考生. 他们会鼓励你认为你做不好.
  • 选择座位. 如果座位没有安排, 选择一个不会让你分心的座位, 最好是前排远离车门的座位.
  • 考试就在你手里. 深呼吸. 你可以这么做. 你已经准备好了,而且你了解材料. 甚至在看试卷之前, 写下所有重要的公式, 事实, definitions and/or keywords in the margin so you won't worry about forgetting them.
  • 先做作文和简答题. 材料在你的头脑中是新鲜的, you will 不 have to worry remembering ideas when you get to them later in the test. 与多个/选择, True/False和Matching, 答案就在你面前, 在测试的后期,这些想法可能更容易被回忆起来.
  • 专注于你正在做的事情. Don't let your mind worry about what grade you will get or that others are finished before you. 集中注意力.
  • 控制焦虑. Stop, turn your test over, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to clear your mind. 现在把试卷翻过来,重新开始. 你可以这么做.
  • 评估测试经验. After the test, list the strategies that worked and stick to them. 列出没有起作用的地方,并寻找改进的方法.
  • 寻求帮助. 如果你仍然有严重的考试焦虑,寻求帮助. CMU为在校学生提供免费辅导员. 辅导员可在校园联系,电话分机. 58274.


每个人都有不同的备考方法。. The following are just suggestions to improve your study skills.

  • 认为战略. 通常情况下,正确答案多于错误答案. 如果猜错不罚的话, do 不 leave the answer blank; you have a 50% chance of getting it right.
  • Watch for modifying or limiting phases - Make sure names, 日期, places are accurate.
  • 注意关键词. Qualifiers like 从来没有 and 总是 means the statement must be true all of the time. 通常带有这些限定符的语句为假. 限定词,如sometimes, 经常, 经常, ordinarily or generally means the statement can be either true or false depending on the circumstances. 这些限定词通常表示正确的答案.
  • 长语句. If any part of the statement is false, the whole statement is false.

